College Policies

Wallace State Community College is committed to making its academic programs and services accessible to qualified students who have disabilities. It is a goal of Wallace State to provide students who have disabilities equal opportunities to develop and demonstrate their academic skills, while maintaining the academic integrity of the College programs. Consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008, it is the policy of Wallace State College that no qualified person with a disability shall be subjected to discrimination because of that disability under any program or activity conducted or sponsored by the College.

 The Admissions Office handles all applications for admission. Admission standards are described in the College catalog and must be met by all students, regardless of disability. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Director of Special Populations before Lions’ Pride (orientation) or classes begin. Students who may need accommodations during Lions’ Pride need to make contact before their scheduled date.

Colleges are not required to alter essential academic requirements. Requirements, which can be demonstrated as essential to a course or program of study or to any directly related licensing requirement, are not regarded as discriminatory.

When to self-identify as a student with a disability is a decision for the student. However, prospective students are encouraged to contact the Director of Special Populations for information regarding services and facilities and to discuss questions pertinent to admission. If accommodations are needed for placement testing, all documentation must be on file in the ADA Office.

The Director of Special Populations serves as the central contact point for students with disabilities. The goal of the ADA office is to provide a physically and educationally accessible College environment that ensures an individual is viewed on the basis of ability, not disability. The Director of Special Populations works individually with students to determine appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations, and to have students’ academic performance evaluated without the limiting effects of a disability.

Per Board Policy 517.01, no animal or pet may be brought on campus. Exceptions to this policy include guide dogs for the disabled, laboratory animals, animals to be used for previously-approved instructional or special programs, and pets placed in designated pet shelters only when the Governor declares the use of the campus as a hurricane evacuation shelter.

Service and Support Animal Policy

Service Animals

Wallace State Community College is committed to assuring equal access for students with disabilities as well as guests that may visit campus.  It is the College’s policy to permit service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, on a case-by-case basis, to be present in classrooms and/or dorm rooms. The policy and requirements are designed to allow equal access while addressing health and safety concerns, particularly in classrooms and/or dorm rooms. 

Service animals have been individually trained to do work or perform certain task for people with disabilities.  (There is an exception that allows miniature horses). Service animals (including puppies and trainees) are identified to the faculty, staff, and community by a harness, service animal vest, and/or other identifying gear noting that it is a service animal.  If there is no identifying gear, faculty or staff may ask two permissible questions: 

  1. Is the service animal required because of a disability?
  2. What tasks is your service animal trained to perform?

The work or task a service animal has been trained to perform must be directly related to the person’s disability.  Service animals are allowed in all areas where the general public is allowed.  The service animal must be under the control of the person with a disability at all times and must be housebroken. The owner is responsible for the well-being and cleanliness of his/her service animal.  The owner is also responsible for the removal of animal waste and maintaining clean conditions for the service animal. The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless the services or task provided would be impeded.

Allergies and/or fear of service animals are not acceptable reasons for excluding a service animal, however, it is appropriate to cooperate with others who may have allergies or other conflicting disabilities.  Individuals with conflicting disabilities may be asked to provide proper documentation of the disability to determine a reasonable solution for both individuals with a disability.

Support Animals

A support animal is not trained to do work or perform certain task(s) and is used for therapeutic benefits.  The Fair Housing Act allows for the accommodation of support animals in public housing, i.e. dorm rooms. These animals are not necessarily allowed in places the general public is allowed; hence, support animals may be excluded from classrooms or commons areas of dorms.  Additionally, it cannot be an animal that poses a health or safety threat to other individuals.

Student’s requesting to have a support animal residing in the dorms must register the animal with the ADA Office and provide medical documentation of a disability which also describes the assistance the animal provides for this type of accommodation.  Any student requesting the presence of a support animal in a dorm room must make the request no later than 30 days before rooms are assigned before each semester.  All documentation will be reviewed by the ADA Office, the Dean of Students, and the Auxiliary Director.

Once a determination is made, the student will be notified and will coordinate a plan with the Auxiliary Director for proper care and control of the animal.  The student must complete an “Application to Utilize Service or Support Animal in Campus Housing” and sign a form acknowledging that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the policies and procedures established by Wallace State Community College for maintaining an animal in the dorm.   If the student does not comply with the policies and procedures, the College has the right to remove the animal from campus housing at the student’s expense.

Policies and Procedures for Utilizing a Service or Support Animal in Campus Housing

Students must adhere to the following policies and procedures to maintain an animal in campus housing.  Failure to follow the policies and procedures will result in the animal being removed from campus property.

  1. The owner is responsible to attend to and be in full control of the animal at all times.  The animal shall be harnessed, be leashed, and/or be placed in an appropriate enclosed container when transported outside the dorm room where it is housed.  Service animals may travel freely with the student throughout campus except where restrictions may apply due to health and safety reasons. Support animals are not allowed in common areas and/or other public areas while on campus.
  1. In shared living spaces, the animal should be in an appropriate container/kennel if the owner is not in the room with the animal.
  1. The owner is responsible for following rules pertaining to the animal.  Service animals are allowed in all public areas; however, support animals must be confined to the student’s dorm room.
  1. The owner is responsible for the cost of care necessary for the animal’s well-being, including, but not limited to, veterinary care.  The arrangements and responsibilities for the care of the animal are the sole responsibility of the owner at all times, including regular bathing and grooming, as needed.
  1. The owner may not leave the animal for an unreasonable length of time.  The animal cannot be left alone overnight or weekends.  If the student leaves overnight or during campus breaks, the animal (regardless of species) cannot stay in the room.
  1. The owner is responsible for removing the animal’s waste.  Waste must be disposed of in a sealed bag in the designated trash area outside of the dormitory.  If the animal voids on the floor or carpet anywhere inside campus housing, the student is responsible to clean up promptly as well as notify the housing office for the area to be properly disinfected.  The student must pay all costs associated with such clean up.  All animals must be housebroken and/or have an approved waste management plan.  The College reserves the right to withdraw approval of a waste management plan for health, safety, or environmental reasons. Such care shall be at the expense of the owner.
  1. The animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. Animals, where appropriate, must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag.  Animals residing in campus housing must have an annual clean bill of health from a licensed veterinarian.  Documentation can be a vaccination certificate for the animal or a veterinarian’s statement regarding the animal’s health. Also, service animals and support animals must be treated regularly for fleas and ticks. The College has the authority to direct that the animal receives veterinary attention.
  1. The owner is responsible for paying for any damage to campus property, including but not limited to, the replacement of furniture, carpet, windows, wall coverings, etc. In addition, the owner is responsible for any pest control that may be needed due to the animal’s hygiene, including but not limited to, fleas, ticks, or other insects, parasites, or vermin.  The owner will pay for expenses at the time of repair or pest control and/or move out.  The College has the right to bill the student’s account for repairs or pest control; failure to pay will result in the student’s account having a hold placed on it.
  1. Residents in the room with the animal must sign an agreement approving the animal to reside in the dorm room with them. In the event the roommate does not sign an agreement, either the owner of the animal, or the non-approving roommate, may be moved to a different location. Relocation can only be determined by the Auxiliary Department.
  1. The owner is responsible for notifying the Auxiliary Office in writing if the animal is no longer needed.

Guidelines for Requesting Service or Support Animals in Campus Housing

Please complete these steps before bringing, except in extreme circumstances, a service or support animal to campus housing.  The process must be completed at least 30 days before the beginning of the semester that the student intends for the animal to accompany him/her in the dorm.

  1. The student must register with the Wallace State Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Office located in the Bailey Building, room 804.  The student must provide proper documentation of a disability and the documentation must provide rationale for the need and/or use of an animal in a dorm room.  Merely providing documentation does not register a student with the ADA Office.  Please refer to the College Catalog or the ADA Student Handbook for more detailed information about how to register and receive accommodations on campus.
  1. Once the student has registered with the ADA Office, the student must complete an “Application to Utilize Service or Support Animal in Campus Housing.”  Veterinarian documentation must be attached to the application stating that the animal has been immunized against diseases common to that type of animal and that the animal does not pose any obvious threat to other campus residents living in a group environment. Obtaining this documentation will be at the expense of the student.
  1. The student will also receive a list of policies and procedures for an animal to live in campus housing. The student must sign a form acknowledging that he/she has read, understands, and agrees with the policies and procedures established by Wallace State Community College for maintaining an animal in the dorm and the consequences for noncompliance with such policies and procedures.
  1. The ADA Office, Auxiliary Office, and Dean of Students will evaluate the application.  The Auxiliary Department will notify the student of the application’s status, or if additional information is needed.
  1. Please be aware that if the animal is removed from campus, it will not be allowed to return to campus without the approval of the Dean of Students.  Any cost for the removal of the animal will be charged to the student’s account.

Access the Application to Utilize Service or Support Animal in Campus Housing application, or contact Director of Special Populations at 256.352.8052.

Cell phones, pagers, electronic devices, and their attending noise are distracting to both staff and students in classrooms, labs, offices, and libraries. These areas are also inappropriate sites for personal telephone conversations. In consideration of others and to minimize distractions, phones and pagers should be set to “silent” or “vibrate” inside campus buildings. Usage of cell phones and electronic communication devices is prohibited during all class/lab times. If an emergency situation is encountered, it should be approved in advance. Employees shall limit personal calls on business phones or cell phones during the work day. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action. Texting while driving on campus roadways is prohibited. Violators may be subject to fines and/or disciplinary action.

In an effort to promote a healthier educational environment, WSCC adopted a Clean Air Policy beginning in 2011.

Smoking or the use of tobacco products and vapor-producing electronic devices (excluding meter-dose inhalers and nebulizers prescribed by a physician) are prohibited on WSCC property.

Clinical badges required for students in health programs will be handled as a scheduled group.

In compliance with the drug-free workplace requirements of Public Law 100-690 for recipients of federal contracts and grants, the following policy is in effect for Wallace State Community College:

1.       The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited by Wallace State Community College on any property owned, leased, or controlled by Wallace State Community College or during any activity conducted, sponsored, authorized by, or on behalf of Wallace State Community College. A “controlled substance” shall include any substance defined as a controlled substance in Section 102 of the Federal Controlled Substance Act (21 U. S. Code 802) or in the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substance Act (Code of Alabama, Section 2-2-1, et seq.).

2.       Wallace State Community College has and shall maintain a drug-free awareness program to inform employees concerning the following:

a)       The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace.

b)       Maintenance of a drug-free workplace.

c)       Drug counseling and rehabilitation programs.

d)       Possible penalties for drug-abuse violations.

3.       Any employee who is convicted by any Federal or State Court of an offense that constitutes a violation of paragraph one shall notify the President of Wallace State Community College in writing of said conviction within five (5) days after the conviction occurs. Conviction, as defined in P.L. 100-690, shall mean “a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both.” Any employee who has been convicted by any Federal or State Court of an offense that constitutes a violation of paragraph one since completing his or her initial application shall notify the President immediately to avoid possible future complications.

4.       In the event of a report of a conviction pursuant to paragraph three, providing that the employee is working in a project or a program funded through a Federal contract or grant, Wallace State Community College shall notify in writing within ten (10) days any Federal agency to whom such notification by Wallace State Community College is required under P.L. 100-690.

5.       In the event that an employee violates the provisions of paragraph one or receives a conviction as described in paragraph three, the respective employee shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, termination of employment. Wallace State Community College shall also reserve the right to require said employee, as a condition of continued employment, to complete a drug treatment or rehabilitation program of a reasonable duration and nature, at the employee’s own expense.

6.       Wallace State Community College shall make a good-faith effort to ensure that paragraphs 1-6 are followed.

7.       Each employee of Wallace State Community College shall receive a copy of this policy.

WSCC has established e-mail as the recognized means for sending official information to students, faculty, and staff. Because the College has provided all students with an e-mail address, communications with WSCC employees should be conducted through this address and comply with the Computer Use Policy, while noting that this correspondence becomes official college record. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, and students to check their College e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis and to understand that they are not absolved from the responsibilities associated with the contents of electronic communications if the communications are not received and read on a timely basis.

It is the policy of the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees and Wallace State Community College, a postsecondary institution under its control, that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age, or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, admission treatment or employment. Wallace State Community College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, age, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, admission treatment or employment. Wallace State Community College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or handicap unrelated to job performance. Wallace State Community College complies with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended with the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act of 1974, with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendment Act of 2008. The commitment to equal opportunity applies to all aspects of recruitment, employment, and education of individuals at all levels throughout the College.

The policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC paragraph 1681, et. seq.) and Title 45, Part 86 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

The College will not retaliate against any person because they have engaged in a protected activity opposing the College or because they have made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing alleging discrimination on a basis specified above.

Any inquiries or complaints concerning the application of other legislation and its implementing regulations as they relate to Wallace State Community College should be directed to: 

Title IX Coordinator
Wallace State Community College
Telephone: 256.352.8340
Address: P.O. Box 2000, Hanceville, AL 35077

In conjunction with its Drug-Free Workplace Policy, the College also complies with the Omnibus Transportation Employees Testing Act of 1991. This act relates to those employees possessing or required to possess a Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL).

Any employee in or applicant for such a CDL position has special obligations to notify the College that he or she has recently or is currently using certain physician-prescribed drugs or other medication that may affect that person’s test results and/or ability to perform his or her duties. Current CDL employees are subject to the following rules:

  • When reasonable suspicion exists that an employee has used a controlled substance or has otherwise violated the substance abuse rules, he/she may be tested.
  • The College may conduct unannounced random testing.
  • When an Employee is involved in any accident resulting in injury or damage to College property, he/she must notify the Director of Auxiliary or Chief of Police.
  • When an employee returns from substance-abuse rehabilitation, the College may require that he/she submit to follow-up testing.
  • All affected employees may be required to undergo urinalysis as part of a re-certification physical examination.

The complete policy and pertinent procedures are available in the office of the Director of Human Resources. This policy and procedures cover Testing Procedures, Collection Sites, Collection Procedures, Occasions When the Collection Personnel Should Directly Observe the Specimen Being Provided, Evaluations and Return of Results to the College, Request for Retest, Release of Test Results, Discipline, and Investigations and Searches.

Policy for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources


Wallace State Community College provides high-speed access to the Internet, e-mail, and network services through a Switched Ethernet Network interconnected by a fiber optic backbone. The network is provided for use by WSCC students, faculty, and staff and is to be used for education, academic inquiry, and public service only.

The college’s network/Internet provides students with a quality learning environment by promoting a flexible delivery method of instruction, innovative technology, and state-of-the-art concepts in instruction. It also contributes to a growth-oriented learning environment for employees by promoting faculty and staff professional development opportunities. Through efficient management of the college’s network/Internet resources and facilities, WSCC serves as a learning partner for its community and regional stakeholders. In addition, the college’s technology infrastructure and resources support the college’s administrative and operational processes, thereby strengthening its outreach, programs, and services.

Statement of Policy

1.     Ethical and Responsible Use of the Network/Internet

a.     All users must be accountable for using these resources in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. At any time and without prior notice, Wallace State Community College reserves the right to examine e-mail, personal file directories, or any other information stored on WSCC computers or equipment. This action will only be allowed with the express approval of the college president or presidential designee, and/or at the request of authorized law enforcement personnel.

b.     The appropriate system administrator monitors access to the Internet.

c.     Use of the Internet through college resources constitutes acceptance of such monitoring.

d.     This policy should be read and interpreted in conjunction with all other WSCC policies, including, but not limited to, policies prohibiting harassment, discrimination, offensive conduct, or inappropriate behavior.

e.     Users are prohibited from accessing the Internet for any unethical or immoral purpose, including any activity associated with pornography, obscenity, violence, gambling, racism, harassment, personal gain, or any illegal activity.

f.      Users are discouraged from using profanity or vulgarity when posting electronic mail via the Internet or posting to public forums (i.e., news groups). Any electronic mail sent through posting to public news groups must fall within these ethical standards.

g.     All users must abide by all federal and state laws with regard to information sent through the Internet. Unauthorized release or disclosure of information through the Internet or through any other means is strictly prohibited. Proprietary or confidential information pertaining to the college shall not be transmitted over the Internet.

h.     All users are prohibited from using Internet access through Wallace State’s systems for any political or personal profit-making activities.

i.      Any recorded material must be reviewed by users for completeness and appropriateness. Users are responsible for any content they post. In particular, Tegrity (Wallace State’s preferred presentation capture service for instructional purposes) recordings should be reviewed to ensure they do not contain any extraneous recorded content before, during, or with the main content recording.

j.      Any and all material in violation of this policy shall not be forwarded to any individual or entity inside or outside Wallace State’s network. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, e-mails that are forwarded to other individuals.

k.     Users are forbidden from engaging in any activity which is in violation of the Code of Alabama (1975) §§ 36-25-1 through 36-25-30, as amended (the “State Ethics Law”), or which, in the opinion of the WSCC administration, may be contrary to such law.

2.     Accounts

a.     The appropriate system administrator must approve all accounts and issue passwords allowing access to the college network/Internet resources. The user must be authenticated through a Wallace State Community College-assigned network user name and password.

b.     The user name and password, including those used to access e-mail or an instructional platform such as Blackboard, are the responsibility of the individual to whom they are assigned. Any individual other than the person to whom they are assigned shall not use the user name and password or any other assigned authorization. Violations of this policy or any other policy through the unauthorized use of the user name and password subjects the individual to whom the user name and password are assigned to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

c.     Users should not leave a computer logged on when vacating a workstation. The user is responsible for his or her account and any content left on the computer. Leaving an unattended logged-on computer puts the user and the institution at risk.

d.     In the event Wallace State Community College no longer employs an individual, it is the responsibility of Human Resources to notify the appropriate system administrator to close the former employee’s account.

e.     Proper identification must be used in any electronic correspondence, and valid, traceable identification provided if required by applications or servers within the Wallace State computing facilities.

3.     Software

a.     To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the system, no unauthorized downloading or installation of any software is permitted. Software downloads and installation shall be done only after approval and/or assistance from the appropriate system administrator.

b.     Streaming media and music and video downloads are prohibited unless authorized by the appropriate system administrator.

c.     Point to point (P2P) file sharing is prohibited unless authorized by the appropriate system administrator.

4.     Copyright Issues

a.     All college network/Internet users must adhere to the copyright laws regarding software, data, and authored files. Users may not transmit copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than this college. Users should exercise caution when downloading material from an Internet source as such action may constitute violation of copyright laws.

b.     It is permitted for Web pages to be printed and material downloaded from the Internet for informational purposes as long as the purpose for such copying falls into the category of “fair use.” “Fair use” is defined as the doctrine that copyright material may be quoted verbatim, provided that attribution is clearly given and that the material quoted is reasonably brief in extent.

c.     The college is not responsible for copyright infringement by a user. Such responsibility shall lie solely with the user.

d.     Users guilty of deliberate copyright infringement shall be subject to disciplinary action, including possible suspension, expulsion, or termination.

5.     Personally Owned Computer Hardware/Software

a.     Personally owned software cannot be loaded onto a college-owned computer unless it is directly related to the job position and is approved by the appropriate system administrator. If any approved personally-owned computer software is loaded onto a college-owned computer, the license and documents must remain with the college computer on campus in the event of an audit.

b.     Computer hard drives may not be installed or removed without the express written consent of authorized personnel.

6.     Privacy of Information

a.     Information passing through or stored on any Wallace State Community College electronic network or communication or computer system may be seen by others for a variety of reasons. Routine administration, management, or audit functions may require information stored or transmitted via Wallace State Community College computers and networks to be intercepted. Electronic transactions may be subject to inspection by Wallace State Community College without notice. All users should fully understand that no guarantee can be made that information communicated over Wallace State Community College electronic systems or stored on Wallace State Community College systems will remain private.

b.     Users should respect the privacy of others, including, but not limited to, abstaining from unauthorized access to e-mail, files, data, and transmissions.

c.     All users should be aware of and comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as well as its restrictions on the use and dissemination of personal and academic information.

7.     Computer Crimes

        The Alabama Computer Crime Act, codified at Code of Alabama (1975) §§ 3A-8-100 through 13A-8-103, makes it a crime for a person to damage, or without authorization to modify computer equipment, computer networks, and computer programs and supplies or without authorization to access, examine, or use computer data and programs, and provides for punishment up to a Class B Felony. Federal law also makes it a crime to access computers or computer networks devoted in part to Federal purposes without proper authorization. Any violation of such State or Federal laws respecting computers shall also constitute a violation of the WSCC Policy for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources. Furthermore, this policy prohibits various actions (described below) which may or may not constitute a crime.

Conditions of Use of the Internet and E-mail

1.       As a condition of access to the network/Internet resources, employees are required to sign the “Policy on Acceptable Use of Technology Resources” acknowledgement form. Students are also required to sign this form as they enter computer labs on campus. Online students view digital copies of the form in the “Getting Started” area within online courses (such as through the Blackboard platform) and must acknowledge understanding of this policy by completing a quiz to open the remainder of their online course content.

2.       Users under the age of 18 must have a minor consent form (Appendix B of Acceptable Use Policy) signed by their parent or legal guardian to be eligible to use the college’s network/Internet resources. Access to or proper use of the Internet by a minor is solely the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.

3.       Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including discharge in accordance with guidelines provided by the Alabama Community College System (SBE Policy 619.01).

4.       Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action as stated in the Student Handbook section of college catalog.

5.       Community members utilizing open campus computers, such as those in the library, must agree to the institutional “Policy on Acceptable Use of Technology Resources” and are subject to being banned from using the college’s equipment and Internet access if found in violation of its terms.

Unacceptable Use

The following activities are prohibited on all WSCC technology resources. The activities listed are for reference and are not intended to be all-inclusive.

1.       Altering system software or hardware configurations without authorization of the WSCC Technology Department.

2.       Accessing, via the internet or any other means of broadcasting, pornographic, obscene, or violent images or content or any other material in violation of local, state, and federal statutes. Use of resources for gambling, racism, harassment or political campaigning is also prohibited.

3.       Using technology resources for illegal activities.

4.       Accessing or attempting to access another user’s files, e-mail or other resources without his or her permission except as otherwise provided herein.

5.       Allowing unauthorized persons to utilize an authorized user’s account, user name, or password.

6.       Using technology resources for commercial or profit-making purposes without written authorization from WSCC.

7.       Installing, copying, distributing or using software that has not been authorized by the WSCC Campus Technology Department.

8.       Originating or proliferating electronic mail, broadcasts, or other messages that may be deemed as obscene, abusive, racist, or harassing.

9.       Creating and/or distribution of viruses or other destructive programs.

10.    Unauthorized release or disclosure of any confidential college, personnel, or student information.

11.    Using any computer technology in a manner that violates patent protection or license agreements.

12.    Engaging in any activity that violates copyright laws. Such activity may include utilizing WSCC technology to copy and/or distribute copyrighted materials without authorization.

13.    Using WSCC computer technology to support or oppose any candidate or candidates for public office or for any other political purposes. (Use of state property for political purposes constitutes a violation of Alabama law).

Disciplinary Action

Unacceptable use is prohibited, and is grounds for loss of computing privileges, as well as discipline or legal sanctions under federal, state, and local laws. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion from the college. Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including discharge in accordance with System Policy.

Social Media

Wallace State Community College recognizes the value of social media in communicating and engaging with students. The college’s social media sites promote college programs, services and activities and generally further the college’s mission. Students are encouraged to contribute constructively through posting on college-sponsored social media sites.


1.       Wallace State maintains official pages on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, among others. These pages have the purpose of developing a Wallace State virtual community, supporting recruiting and retention, and fostering interactivity with the college.

2.       College-sponsored social media accounts are monitored by the WSCC Marketing Department. Questions and comments are welcome; however, inappropriate or uncivil posts will be removed.

3.       Public expression of opinion by students shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the WSCC Student Code of Conduct.

4.       Public expression in conflict with the college’s Non-Discrimination Policy may contribute to a hostile educational environment and is thus prohibited.

5.       Disclosure of proprietary or confidential information is prohibited.

6.       WSCC may remove any posts that do not directly support its mission, programs, or services. Posts by third parties that appear to be advertisements for other companies or organizations may also be removed.

7.       If an area or student group wishes to have an item placed on a college site, send the request to the Director of Marketing.

If an area or student group wishes to create its own social media site:

1.       Obtain permission from a supervisor.

2.       Obtain permission from the Director of Marketing in advance of the site creation. Included in the request should be the name of social media site(s) the area wishes to use, target audience, and purpose of the social media site.

3.       Neither students nor employees may use a personal account (I.e., Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) to create Wallace State sites. In some cases, a generic Wallace State e-mail account (I.e., may be needed to create the social media site.

4.       The college requires administrative rights to any social media site that is sanctioned or sponsored by WSCC.

  1. Media representatives should contact Communications and Marketing prior to entering campus to speak to employees or students.
  2. Campus visitors should check in with Lion Central to receive a Visitor’s Pass.
  3. All police or other law enforcement visitors to see individual students must be joined by either WSCC Police Officer, Dean of Students, Night Coordinator or other designee while meeting with students on campus.
  4. If someone shows up unescorted at a classroom door seeking a student, the instructor should direct him/her to Lion Central or the appropriate party.
  5. Visitors for the purpose of serving papers on a student will be verified as legitimate and papers as authentic before meeting with students.
  6. Students will be contacted at location specified by law enforcement visitor and asked to speak with visitor in the Campus Police Department, Dean of Students, or Auxiliary Director’s office.
  7. WSCC staff will not give out any information on a student aside from Directory Information (name, address, phone number, date of birth, level of education, and major). Officer/visitor must already know location of student.
  8. Guests, such as children, personal friends, or family members of faculty/staff members or students, should have a specific purpose for prolonged visitation on campus and be limited in time and location to not interfere with college/departmental operations. Guests are not permitted in classrooms during class time unless approved in advance. Children may not be left unsupervised on campus.

Procedures for Reporting Complaints

1.       Any member of the College community who believes that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment or illegal discrimination may bring the matter in writing to the attention of any academic or administrative officer, dean, director, supervisor, or advisor. When a written complaint has been reported to any of these individuals, the recipient of the complaint will forward the complaint to the Title IX Coordinator, who shall be designated by the President to coordinate the investigation of such complaints. The President and the Vice Chancellor for Legal and Human Resources of the Alabama Community College System shall be promptly notified of the complaint.

2.       The complainant should present the complaint as promptly as possible after the alleged sexual harassment or discrimination occurs. The complainant should submit a written statement of the allegations. Retaliation against a student or employee for bringing a sexual harassment or discrimination complaint is prohibited. Retaliation is itself a violation of this policy and may be grounds for disciplinary action.

3.       It is the intention of this policy to resolve complaints of sexual harassment and illegal discrimination as quickly as possible. Except in extraordinary cases, all complaints will be investigated and resolved with forty-five (45) days of receipt. Every possible effort shall be made to ensure confidentiality of information received as part of the investigation. Complaints will be handled on a “need to know” basis, with a view toward protecting the interest of both parties.

4.       The investigation record shall consist of formal and informal statements from the alleged victim, the alleged offender, witnesses, and others deemed by the investigator to have pertinent knowledge of the facts involved in the complaint. The investigation will afford the accused a full opportunity to respond to the allegations. If the results of the investigation and informal resolution of the complaint are accepted by the alleged victim and he or she desires no further action against the alleged harasser, the complainant will sign a statement requesting that no further action be taken.


Formal Action

1.       If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, the complainant may file a formal complaint. Each complainant has the right to proceed with or withdraw from the formal complaint procedure once it has been submitted. The issues involved in the complaint should not be changed once the charge has been made. However, administrative procedures may be revised to accommodate issues arising during the investigation which were not known to the complainant or the institution when the initial complaint was filed.

2.       Complaints against students will be handled according to usual and customary student discipline procedures in effect at the institution.

3.       In the event of complaints against employees, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the accused in writing of the complainant’s decision to take formal action. Formal action will consist of the Title IX procedures as set forth below.

a.       The original and two copies of Grievance Form A must be filed with the appropriate Dean (depending on the complainant’s work area assignment) within 30 calendar days following the date of alleged violation(s) of the Title IX regulation. Personnel whose work assignment is outside the authority of the above-named Dean should file Form A with the president’s office. The alleged violation(s) must be clearly and specifically stated. Complainant is advised to keep a copy of all forms.

b.       The Dean will immediately notify the President and the Title IX Coordinator of receipt of Grievance Form A. The Dean will have 30 calendar days following date of receipt of Grievance Form A to investigate, study complainant’s allegations, hold a formal hearing, and make a written report of findings to complainant. Form A must be used for the report. Copies of Form A must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator and the President. Complainant’s copy must be mailed to his/her home address by certified mail, return receipt requested.

c.        Complainant must, within 15 calendar days following receipt of the Dean’s report, file with the President and Title IX Coordinator a written notice of acceptance or appeal of the report. If a notice of appeal is filed, appeal Form B must be used. Complainant must state clearly and specifically on Form B the objections to the findings and/or decision of the Dean. Copies of Form B must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator and the President. If complainant fails to file notice of appeal by the end of the 15th calendar day following receipt of the Dean’s report, the right to further appeal will be forfeited.

d.       The President will have 30 calendar days following date of receipt of complainant’s notice of appeal to investigate and study complainant’s allegations and the report of the Dean and make a written report of findings to complainant. Form B must be used for the report. Copies of Form B must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator and the Chancellor. Complainant’s copy must be mailed to his/her home address by certified mail, return receipt requested.

e.       Complainant must, within 15 calendar days following receipt of President’s report, file with the President and Title IX Coordinator a written notice of acceptance or appeal of the report. If notice of appeal is filed, appeal Form C must be used. Complainant must state clearly and specifically on Form C the objections to the findings and/or decisions of the President. Copies of Form C must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator and the Chancellor. If complainant fails to file notice of appeal by the end of the 15th calendar day following receipt of the President’s report, the right to further appeal will be forfeited.

f.         The Chancellor will have 30 calendar days following the date of receipt of complainant’s notice of appeal to investigate, study complainant’s allegations and the report of the President, hold a formal hearing, and make a written report of findings to the complainant. Form C must be used for the report. Copies of Form C must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator. Complainant’s copy must be mailed to his/her address by certified mail, return receipt requested.

NOTE: If the last day for filing notice of appeals falls on either Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, complainant will have until the close of the first working day following the 15th calendar day to file.

Restrooms and locker rooms are designated separately for men and women unless otherwise posted. Locations of family or unisex restroom can be obtained through the office of the Dean of Students. There will be no loitering in restrooms or locker rooms on Wallace State Community College’s campus.

Violators are subject to disciplinary action.

Wallace State Community College is committed to providing a workplace and campus community free of sexual misconduct and harassment. As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities. This includes discrimination affecting employees of the college and applicants for employment, students and applicants for admission, or members of the public. All members of the College community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others, whether on college premises or at any College owned off campus location and while participating in any educational program or activity of the College.

Sexual harassment, which includes sexual misconduct and sexual assault, is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Violence Against Women Act. This policy is intended to reaffirm the College’s commitment to address sexual harassment and take steps to prevent its reoccurrence and preserve or restore equal access to the College’s education programs and activities. Dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking may also be considered forms of sexual discrimination. Due to the seriousness of these offenses, the College has adopted specific policies and procedures, outlined in the Student Handbook, employment policies, and webpage, to address alleged instances of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. The College believes that no person should bear the effects of sexual harassment alone. When such conduct occurs, the College’s paramount concern is for the safety and well-being of those impacted. To support and assist students, the College provides a range of resources that include a trained counselor.

Under Title IX, individuals reporting allegations related to sexual harassment and/or sexual violence, have the right to a resolution of their complaint, to have the college conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation, and to receive supportive measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individuals involved and the college community.

When allegations of sexual harassment and/or sexual violence in any form are brought to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator, and if a responding party is found to have violated this policy, serious sanctions will be used to prevent its reoccurrence. Wallace State Community College does not tolerate or condone retaliation. Individuals wishing to report reporting sexual harassment and/or sexual violence and/or to make inquiries concerning the application of Title IX at the College may contact:

Kristen Holmes
Vice President for Students
Wallace State Community College
Bailey Building, Suite 301
801 Main Street
Hanceville, Alabama 35077
Phone: 256-352-8340


Assistant Secretary
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Telephone: 800-421-3481
Fax: 202-453-6012; TDD: 800-877-8339

Information regarding the Title IX Coordinator and their role will be provided to all faculty, staff, students, applicants for admissions, and applicants for employment. Also, this information is available on the College website under the Title IX webpage.


The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

Smoking, as well as tobacco products, and vapor-producing electronic devices (excluding meter-dose inhalers and nebulizers prescribed by a physician) are prohibited on WSCC property. Eating is generally prohibited in the classrooms unless approved by instructor.

Wallace State Community College (the “College”, “We”, “WSCC”) sends text messages using an SMS messaging service to communicate with students about application and enrollment deadlines, application updates, events, reminders, and other important information. Subscribing to the service is not required to apply for or to gain admission to the College. The service provides you with information via text messaging the College deems helpful and pertinent.

Wallace State Community College students or prospective students may opt-in to receiving text messages (i.e., SMS messages) by selecting YES to the question “I would like to receive text messages regarding the enrollment process at Wallace State Community College” during the application process. You may choose NO to opt-out. You may also opt-out at any time by replying STOP to any text message from WSCC.

Messaging Cost
Standard messages and data rates from your wireless carrier may apply. When you opt-in to receive SMS messages, you are responsible for any carrier fees such as data plan charges, text message charges, tolls, out-of-area roaming, and other charges. Message frequency varies per month based on your student status and actions. Check with your mobile operator for details on receiving text messages (SMS).

Privacy Policy
Your use of the SMS messaging service is governed by the College's Privacy Policy. Wallace State Community College will not ask you for, nor should you provide personally identifiable information, passwords, or any other confidential or sensitive information in SMS messages. WSCC does not share your information with third parties except where permitted by the College Privacy Policy. All mobile information you share with the College will remain confidential and will only be used by College representatives to assist you in a more efficient manner. The College does not share phone numbers with external sources.

Wallace State promotes the open exchange of ideas among all members of the WSCC community, including students, faculty, staff, and administration. An environment conducive to the open exchange of ideas is essential to intellectual growth and positive change. However, WSCC recognizes that, at times, people may have differences, which they are unable or unwilling to resolve themselves. The procedures described below shall be available to a WSCC student only after the student has made every reasonable attempt to resolve his/her problem with the appropriate College official or representative. In the case of a student who has made a good faith effort to resolve a problem and who has been unable to resolve the matter informally, WSCC offers the following grievance procedure as the appropriate course of action for settling disputes and resolving problems. The name and institutional address and phone number of any College officials referred to herein may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Students.

This grievance procedure is not intended to be used by a student with a complaint about a strictly academic matter such as grades, work assignments, quality of instruction, fairness of examinations, etc. Any student of WSCC who wishes to make a complaint about a strictly academic matter shall do so by virtue of the grade appeal procedure. A complaint by a student relating to a disability shall be reported to the College Special Populations Coordinator. Other types of complaints shall be reported to the Vice President for Students. If the complaint is about a specific occurrence, the complaint must be made within 10 business days after the occurrence or after the student becomes aware of the occurrence.

A student with a complaint shall begin his/her attempt to resolve the situation by bringing it to the attention of the appropriate College official or representative as stated above. If, after a discussion between the student and the respective College official or representative, it is determined that the complaint is valid and can be resolved immediately, the College official or representative will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint. If the matter at issue involves an allegation of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking, please consult the Title IX policy and procedure manual. If the matter at issue involves an allegation of physical abuse or racial, or other discrimination or harassment, or if the complaint relates to a disability, or if the complaint relates to a matter involving theft or any other act of dishonesty, the respective College official shall submit a written report within 10 working days of the filing of the complaint to the Vice President for Students, Division Dean, and Title IX Officer describing both the complaint and how it was resolved, or how it will be resolved through a “plan of resolution.”

Out-of-State Student Complaints

Wallace State Community College desires to resolve all student grievances, complaints and concerns including those of distance learning students in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Students residing outside the state of Alabama while attending Wallace State who desire to resolve a grievance should follow the College's Student Complaint Process as outlined in the Wallace State Community College Catalog and Student Handbook. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, the student may file a complaint with his or her state of residency. The NC-SARA website lays out the process to do so as well as provides phone numbers, emails and/or links to state education agencies. Since California is not an NC-SARA member, students can direct complaints to the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

If, after exhausting all available institutional processes, a student’s complaint remains unresolved, the student, including a distance learning student, may appeal to the Alabama Community College System (ACCS). Details on this process can be found in the ACCS Student Complaint Process.

Wallace State Community College expects all students to use mature judgment in their personal dress and hygiene while on campus. One of the major objectives of Wallace State Community College is to aid students in preparing themselves to secure and maintain professional employment. Students are required to dress and maintain personal hygiene that would be appropriate to the occupations and professions for which they are training. Therefore, all program directors and instructors must make interpretations of proper dress and hygiene for their classroom setting. Instructors have the right to refuse students into class for dress code or hygiene violations. Any student, faculty member, department head, or staff member that has questions concerning proper dress and hygiene should contact the Dean of Students.

All WSCC students are required to possess current photo student ID cards while on campus or at clinical sites. Students may have an ID made by visiting Lion Central. ID cards can be loaded with cash (Lion Loot) and used for campus vending, printing, bookstore purchases, Banquet Hall, and library check-out. The first card is free but replacement cards are $10. See for more information and new features. ID cards can be issued to new students beginning on the first day of each semester.

Wallace State Community College maintains information about students, which facilitates educational development of students and effective administration of the College. In order to guarantee the rights of privacy and access as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended by 61 Federal Regulation 59291, November 21, 1996), Wallace

State Community College has formulated the following policies and procedures:

General Policy

No information from records, files, or other data directly related to a student (other than “directory” information as defined below) shall be disclosed to persons or agencies outside the College without the written consent of the student; except pursuant to a court subpoena or court order, or except in a case where educational or governmental officials have a lawful need for the information. However, information contained in such records may be disclosed within the College to College officials and staff members with a need for the particular information. Students shall be afforded the opportunity to have access to all such information on themselves with the exceptions set out below, in accordance with procedures outlined within this policy statement.

For the purposes of this policy, a “student” is defined as “any individual currently or previously enrolled in any course offered by Wallace State Community College.”               

For the purpose of this policy, a student’s educational records are defined as those records, files, documents or other materials that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by the College or a person acting on behalf of the College. Specifically excluded from the definition of “educational records” and not open to inspection by students are the following materials:

  1. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker;
  2. Records of campus security, except in those instances where they have been transmitted within the College for administrative purposes; and          
  3. Records which are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or para-professional acting in a professional or para-professional capacity or assisting in that capacity and which are created, maintained or used only in connection with the provision of diagnosis or treatment to the student and are not available to anyone other than the persons providing such treatment to the student or to such other persons as may be authorized in writing by the student to receive such information from such records.

Directory Information

The following is a list of student information that may be made available by the College without prior consent of the student:

  1. Student’s name;
  2. Student’s address (local and permanent);
  3. Student’s telephone number;
  4. Student’s place of birth;
  5. Student’s major field of study;         
  6. Student’s participation in officially recognized activities, clubs, organizations, and athletics
  7. Degree and awards received by the student;
  8. The previous institution most recently attended by the student; and    
  9. The height and weight of varsity athletes.

Much of the information listed above is routinely published in College publications. However, if any student desires that any of the above listed information not to be published on said student, the College will refrain from making public such information on that student, provided that the student makes a request for the information to be withheld, and the request is made prior to the end of the late registration for the given academic term. A request for non-disclosure of directory information may be completed in the Admissions Office. Students may also complete a request for non-disclosure of photographs, which may be used for college marketing or related purposes.

Disclosure of Student Records to the Student

Each student is afforded the right to inspect, in the presence of the appropriate records official, such records, files, and data primarily related to said student. In order to inspect one’s file, the student should go to the records official (Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, or Business Manager) and initiate a written request. If the student cannot personally appear, the student must submit a notarized request to the appropriate records official. The request for inspection shall be granted within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the time of the receipt of the request by the College. If, in the opinion of the appropriate records official, inspection can reasonably be accomplished only by providing copies of documents, such copies shall be made and provided to the student. The right of inspection does not include financial statements of parents, confidential recommendations placed in the file prior to January 1, 1975, and other confidential recommendations, to which access has been waived by the student.

Challenging the Contents of the Record

Wallace State Community College will respond to any reasonable request for an explanation or interpretation of any item in a student’s file. Requests for such explanation or interpretation should be addressed in writing to the Dean of Students. If, after inspecting a record, a student wishes to challenge any part of the file’s content, a written request for a hearing should be addressed to the Dean of Students, who will set a date and time for a hearing within forty-five (45) days of receiving the written request.

The request for such a hearing should identify the item or items in the file that are to be challenged and state the grounds for the challenge, i.e. inaccuracy, misleading nature, or inappropriateness. The Dean of Students, with the appropriate records official, shall examine the contested item or items in the file, shall hear the person(s) responsible for placing the item(s) in the file, and shall examine any documents or hear any testimony that the student wishes to present in support of making a requested change to the file. The Dean of Students and the appropriate records official shall issue a written decision within ten days of the conclusion of the hearing as to whether or not the item should be retained, deleted or revised. In the event that there is a determination that the item should remain in the file, the student shall be given the option of placing into his/her file, along with the challenged item, a brief written commentary or explanation of his or her challenge.

Waiver of Access

Wallace State Community College may request that a student waive the right to inspect confidential recommendations regarding his/her application for admission, application for employment, or the receipt of an honor or other recognition.

If a student receives a request for waiver, the student may sign and return the waiver, may request a list of the names of persons who will be asked for recommendations before signing, or may refuse to waive the right to access. Such a waiver shall not be a condition for admission to the College, for financial aid assistance, or for any other benefits received by Wallace State Community College students.

Providing Records to Third Parties

The general policy of Wallace State Community College is to refuse to grant to third parties access to student records without the written consent of the individual student. In the event that a student should wish to have such records released or reviewed by a third party, the student must submit a written request to the proper records official, and in such consent, specify the records to be released or reviewed, and, if desired, a request for copies of the respective records to be made available to the student. Upon the receipt of such written consent, WSCC will then grant the appropriate access to the party or parties designated by the student. There shall be a service fee for producing photocopies of any records that are requested to be copied by the student or by the person to whom the student gives permission to request photocopies.

Notwithstanding the above requirements, student records may be made available to the following persons without written consent of the student: appropriate college officials, official representatives of federal departments or agencies or state education authorities, financial aid officers, recognized educational accrediting organizations, organizations conducting studies for administrative evaluations, etc., and other appropriate persons in an emergency situation where such disclosure is necessary, or reasonably presumed to be necessary, to protect the health or safety of the student or any other person employed by or attending the College.

Photographs and/or video taken by the institution, or on behalf of the institution, remain college property and may be distributed for publications, newspapers, commercials, student newspapers or yearbooks, or other appropriate sources unless the student signs a request for non-disclosure form in the Admissions Office.

Records officials shall place in each student’s file a record of all requests for access to the file, the name of each person making any request for information from the file, the agency or institution represented by each person making any such request, and the action taken by the records official in response to the request. However, there shall be no such record necessarily kept for a request made by WSCC officials who have a need for access to the respective file.

The appropriate record official will supervise inspection of individual student records, and the student’s record file shall not be taken from the designated record official’s office. The student may obtain one unofficial copy of his/her academic record on written request without charge. An unofficial copy is defined as a copy that does not bear the official seal of the College impressed on the record, but is otherwise a true copy. Records officials shall not copy or otherwise reproduce copies of official student transcripts or any other information obtained from transfer students as official transfer requirements.

Changes in the Policy

This policy statement is subject to change where such change is necessitated by any federal or state statute regulation, guideline, or court order. Any change in policy will be included in subsequent appropriate College publications.

Unless supervised, students (including work studies) and visitors will not be allowed to be in campus buildings after regular operating hours. EXCEPTIONS include: 1) If campus is closed during normal hours by order of the President, students who need shelter or to wait on transportation to exit campus will be allowed to wait in a specified building; 2) Prior authorization for a pre-determined location and event via WSCC Events Office is obtained; 3) Prior authorization from WSCC President's or Dean of Students Office is obtained; and 4) Campus housing will follow housing policies on occupying dorms. Violators will be subject to College disciplinary action and additionally may be charged with trespassing via WSCC Campus Police.


The College makes no guarantees that the services of the web site will be error-free, uninterrupted, or that it will meet the needs of the user. The College will not be responsible for loss of service or data due to events such as computer failure, loss of power, or security violations. By using the web site, the user agrees to abide by all college policies, state and federal laws. The information offered represents the offerings more

Additional Policies

Admissions Policies

Distance Learning and Student Privacy

Grading Policies

Financial Aid Policies

Policy and Request Form for Utilizing a Service or Support Animal in Campus Housing

Marketing Policies

Procedures for Open Records Requests

Open Records Request Form